International School of Awareness
(Revised and enlarged 2012) ISBN 987-1-847080-71-2
Anyone with a logical approach to life, and also know or sense there are energies outside the density of the three dimensional world, will find the precision of the Universal Energy Charts, an excellent way to prove the value of those energies. The blank UEC was devised by Michael Mann with the text written by Pauline Turner. This book is a superb way to learn how to balance and harmonise yourself and your environment. It is a valuable 'follow-on' from the material in the Dowsing Kit. Should you enjoy this method of working, the 'Self-Awareness' and 'Environmental Harmony' courses would be for you.
ISBN 987-1-874080-47-3.
This is an invaluable reference book for anyone trying to understand why a physical, mental or emotional problem keeps affecting them even though they believe they have 'dealt' with the problem in many different ways. The A-Z section lists the most common complaints which people take to their physician. Pauline Turner gives insights into the deeper reasons why a person may be experiencing such problems, and what they can do to finally stop the continuation of the problem from interfering with their life. Each listed disease/discomfort also includes on how to assist others, and a case study.
ISBN 978-1-874080-31-2.
For anyone working with energy vibrations this is probably one of the most useful books to have in your collection. The energies you work with can be from biochemical balancing (healing), protection and immunity against incoming vibrations from the environment or people. The 100+ pages provide unique, detailed information about the powerful vibrations of each of the 49 colour energies listed, along with 7 uses for each colour. It explains how the various frequencies and vibrations of each colour can be used in for many different purposes. This information assists individuals and therapists in creating a harmonious situation for any condition being dealth with. An absolute must for a better quality of life.
ISBN 987-1-874080-67-1
An abbreviated version in Swedish giving the key meanings for each of the 49 colours in the '7 Spectrums of Colour'. As with the main book, this version details the colour energies of the seven 'bodies', and each of the seven Levels within those 'body' bands, giving seven colours in each spectrum. This assists with providing balance within each of these Levels.
ISBN 978-1-874080-52-7
An easy to read 'dip-into' book with 26 sections of short insights (2-3 pages) covering frequently experienced thoughts and life's challenges. Rated 4 stars and recommended as a 'to buy' book by Sue Magee, official book reviewer for Amazon's Bookbag. "A thought-provoking look at what seem like obvious questions, but which can help towards a more peaceful and satisfying life"
ISBN 978-1-874080-58-9
This is the combined books 'From the Edge of Darkness into Light' and 'The Reaching Hand' giving the full step-by-step picture of the possible journey an aware being may make from awakening to self-realisation. This version includes an additional introduction and up-to-date changes as the situations globally change.
ISBN 987-1-874080-71-8
The seven Guiding Principles of the Cosmos are explained. These are the unchangeable laws of life which influence the actions and outcomes of every living thing on Earth. They are written in the order in which people become consciously aware of them. The book contains two other sections - one on understanding the 'Seven Temptations' and how to be at zero on the plus and minus scale which is the place of peace; and a section on the '12 Principles for Living' - a modern look at the principles to be found in all religions worldwide.
ISBN 987-1-874080-63-3
Nothing exists without a thought. However you look at it all that exists started with a thought. This handy guide is a wonderful help in showing you how to manifest the best things you need in life and to create your own reality. Use it to obtain the best life can offer. Someone informed me "This is what 'The Secret' says but it is easier to follow."
Tänk på rätt sätt - Swedish translation, ISBN 987-1-874080-64-0
ISBN 987-1-874080-03-9
It is not always possible to ignore outside pressures and it often a challenge to avoid being influenced by your environment. This helpful guide suggests diverse ways to prevent you from being affected by external situations and emotional blackmail.
Fri från stress - Swedish translation, ISBN 987-1-874080-04-6
ISBN 987-1-874080-11-4
With the increase of radioactive waves from machinery and technological equipment plus man's involvement with nuclear power, people have been, and are afraid of the effects of radiation. This small booklet contains information which provides an awareness to emerge that allows one to remove fear and therefore increase health.
ISBN 987-1-874080-62-6
This publication contains all the key meanings for each of the colour energies within the book '7 Spectrums of Colour', but it has the text specifically adapted for those using colour in their craft (either as a hobby or for commerce). This version helps you to understand why people are drawn to specific colours. You as a designer can use this information whenever commissioned to do a project. You can also use this knowledge when designing for an unknown recipient, adding a colour that would be right for the market it is going into.
ISBN 987-1-874080-98-5
This is an excellent starter kit for anyone wanting to learn to dowse using a pendulum. The kit contains step-by-step instructions on how to dowse, a blank chart to practise on, and three other energy balancing charts for balancing the body and its energy, the mind and the emotions, and the spirit's next priority of need. Universal Energy Charts are what is included to become skilled in the use of the pendulum. A lovely crystal pendulum is also included to enable you to start immediately. These charts have been adopted by many people who value having another way to check out, or back up, a logical decision, or an intuitive hunch. Dowsing can help you to understand yourself in more detail.